Something fishy: global warming is a red herring
Who can predict weather accurately? Dangerous levels of carbon dioxide were present on our planet during the Ice Age. Climatologists in Exeter, England in search of accuracy, fed actual cliamte conditions -- the level of solar radiation and ocean temperature -- on 80 different start dates into their computer models, according to The Economist.
"The world will cool from February this year until 2009. After that, it will start warming up again, with at lealst half of the years between 2010 and 2014 being warmer than 1998, the hottest on recod so far."
Assumption based on probability is powering the phony scare campaign. So-called experts feed a plausible set of values for its parameters. Which sets of invented parameter values to use is a matter of debate. "Climate models have hundreds of parameters that might somehow be related. The way you pick the individual values to plug into the model can affect the outcome."
My own name for this is:: EMISSION IMPOSSIBLE.
We're "assuming" greenhouse gases will melt our glaciers and raise the sea level? Despite Al Gore's cry of alarm, Canadian scientists have written this campaign off as politics as usual.
Does anyone remember the mammoth marketing blitz to convert Americans to the metric system? Big business stirred that pot to revamp and sell new measuring devices. They did.
But we stayed in our cups.
In Parade magazine, Aug. 26, 2007, this headline:
What's REALLY Heating Up the Planet?" Their info tells us it isn't US that is firing up global warming.
China and India coal mine fires could be the culprits. "In China alone, up to 200 million tons of coal go up in flames each year -- which may be the equivalent to America's total carbon-dioxide emissions from gasoline. India's mine fires waste up to 10 million tons of coal annually. The pollution has made land in both countries uninhabitable and the problem is expected to worsen."
We get reports that China is prepared to "eliminate"pollution during the Olympic Games by any means possible.
If you think about it, global warming is a red herring summoned by the president and Congress when they couldn't solve the immigration debacle.
They had this "baby" waiting in the wings to make you forget the gravity of the continuing onslaught of Mexicans crossing the border. How come Congress can adjourn -- and announce they will take this up again AFTER the 2008 election? Who are they working for? GIve me a break.
By the way, National Review reports that 17 of the 100 employers who use undocumented illegals are Federal government agencies and their satellites.
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